Notice of a public meeting of

SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education)



SACRE members

Group A

Karen Vincent

Penny Coppin-Siddall

Ian Hodgson

Daryoush Mazloum

Imam Mirazam

Ben Rich


Group B

Kirsty Wordsworth

Sue Bland


Group C

Taco Michiels

Andy Tod


Group D

Cllr Andrew Waller (Chair)

Cllr Ian Cuthbertson

Cllr Fiona Fitzpatrick

Cllr Martin Rowley


LA Officers

Maxine Squire (Assistant Director Education and Skills)


Professional RE Advisor

Olivia Seymour (Assistant Director of Education (Distinctiveness) Diocese of York



Monday 6 February 2023


6.00 pm


The Hudson room, first floor, West Offices (G039)













1.          Apologies for Absence 





2.          Declarations of Interest 





3.          Minutes of Previous Meetings and Matters Arising 

(Pages 1 - 18)


To approve the minutes of the previous SACRE meetings held on 22 June 2022, 29 November 2022 and 12 January 2023.




4.          Membership - welcoming new Members 



To welcome Karen Vincent and Sue Bland.




5.          SACRE Annual Report 2021-22 

(Pages 19 - 26)


To approve the SACRE Annual Report 2021-22.




6.          Monitoring of Standards 

(Pages 27 - 28)


To consider the monitoring of standards in RE.




7.          Virtual meetings 

(Pages 29 - 54)


To consider holding future SACRE meetings virtually.




8.          New Newsletter to schools 

(Pages 55 - 58)


To discuss the new SACRE newsletter to schools.




9.          Interfaith Week 2023 



To consider SACRE’s involvement in Interfaith Week 2023.




10.      Commitment from SACRE for the Agreed Syllabus to reflect non-religious world views 



To discuss the request at the meeting held on 12 January 2023 for a commitment from SACRE for the Agreed Syllabus to reflect non-religious world views.




11.      Correspondence on complaints / determinations 





12.      Work Plan 



To consider items for future meetings.




13.      Any Other Business 





14.      Future meeting dates 



To be agreed.


Democracy Officer

Angela Bielby

01904  552599





For more information about any of the following please contact the Democratic Services Officer responsible for servicing this meeting:


·        Registering to speak

·        Business of the meeting

·        Any special arrangements

·        Copies of reports and

·        For receiving reports in other formats


Contact details are set out above.